Riding Giants

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Riding Giants ★★ 2004 (PG-13)

Director Stacy Peralta does for surfing what she did for skateboarding in “Dogtown and Z-Boys” by capturing the consummate skill and infectious enthusiasm of those who dominate the sport. Includes an animated minihistory that sardonically traces surfing from its Polynesian roots through the 20th century. 105m/C DVD . US Jeff Clark, Darrick Doerner, Mickey Munoz, Brian L. Keaulana, Dick Brewer, Buzzy Kerbox, Ricky Grigg, Pat Curren, Laird Hamilton, Lyon Hamilton, Dave Kalama, Randy Rarick, Buffalo Keaulana, Evan Slater, Kelly Slater; Cameos: Sam George, Gabrielle Reece, Dr. Mark Renneker, Mike Stange; D: Stacy Peralta; W: Sam George, Stacy Peralta; C: Peter Pilafian; M: Alan Barker.

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