Vaccaro, Domenico Antonio

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Vaccaro, Domenico Antonio (1678–1745). Neapolitan architect. His cleverly planned churches, combining octagonal and rectangular volumes, include the Monastery Church of the Concezione at Montecalvario (1718–24) and the choir and transepts of Santa Maria delle Grazie, Calvizzano, Naples (c.1743). In the latter the junctions between the drum and the cupola are blurred by much frothy stucco. His loveliest creation is the majolica Chiostro (cloister) della Clarisse, at Santa Chiara, Naples (1739–42), in which are vine-clad pergolas on octagonal riggiole (colourful majolica tiles)-clad piers linked by seats (also majolica-faced). He also designed the Palazzo Tarsia, Naples (1732–9), possibly influenced by Hildebrandt's design for the Belvedere, Vienna.


Blunt (1975);
Country Life, cxcviii/28 (8 Jul. 2004), 88–93;
W. Papworth (1892);
S. Pisani (1994);
Jane Turner (1996)

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